Brno Racetrack

Event type: TRACK DAY for motorcycles
Track: Brno Circuit
Location: Masarykův okruh 201, 664 81 Ostrovačice, Czech Republic
Full schedule of the event is available here.
Requirements and general info about event is here.
Content and service availability:
Service/content   Available  Prices and clarifications
RACES YES There will be races on the second day. No additional fees are applied. Participation in the race is not mandatory. 
LAP TIMING YES Lap timing is mandatory to all participants. Additional fee of 15 EUR per day for one person is applied. 
TIRE SERVICE YES Tire service is provided by the local workshop which is right on the track. Prices are set by the service provider.
BOXES YES One box costs 200 EUR/day. It is big enough to park 6-8 bikes. Boxes will become available in the evening before event.
FOOD YES There is a coffee shop on the track. There you can have some food and beverages for a reasonable price.
PHOTOS YES Personal photos from the track will be available at CR Moto facebook page.
INSTRUCTOR  YES On track instructors will be available for slowest group only. They will guide beginners during first two sessions.

We recommend Grid Hotel which is right at the track.
SPECIAL OFFER for Grid hotel rooms only with the code CR 2020:
Standard room single use for 69 EUR per night/ double  use for 79 EUR per night (view on parking places)
Superior room single use for 85 EUR per night/ double use for 95 EUR per night (view on Race track)
Superior + single use for 95 EUR per night/ double use for 105 EUR per night (Room with view on Race track and with terrace)

You can also look for other options at
More info about the track at


July 2020
July 20-21
Brno Circuit
Less than 30% booked
No limit
No limit
Instructor Lap timing Tyre service Food Photos