Pogoń Trophy & Endurance
Pogoń Trophy and Endurance is a racing series dedicated for amateur motorcycle sports riders. Easily accessible, with little restrictions and safe at the same time this championship is a perfect playground for nonprofessional motorcycle enthusiasts. Pogoń Trophy and Endurance has no license requirements and is open to everyone!
Pogoń Trophy and Endurance Championship will be held within CR Moto track day events and there will be no additional fees applied for race participants. Pogoń Trophy and Endurance races will take place at the end of CR Moto Track Day. Races are not mandatory therefore you don’t have to race if you don’t want to.
First race (for 1000 cc bikes) and the second one (600 cc bikes) will be dedicated for more experienced and faster riders. They will compete in two classes – 600 cc and 1000cc. Also they will get points and will be classified in the overall Pogoń Trophy Championship standings.
SSP300 class is open for motorcycles with engine capacity less than 400 cc (regardless of the quantity of cylinders)
SSP600 cc class is open for motorcycles which have:
4 cylinder engines with capacity up to 636 cc;
3 cylinder engines with capacity up to 770cc;
2 cylinder engines with capacity up to 850 cc.
SBK1000 cc class is open for motorcycles which have:
4 cylinder engines with capacity above 636 cc;
3 cylinder engines with capacity above 770 cc;
2 cylinder engines with capacity above 851cc.
Third race will be dedicated for less experienced and slower riders who will compete in open class where winners also will be devided into SBK and SSP class. This class won‘t have overall clasification. Separate race for SSP300 will be aranged if if there will be more than 10 participants in this class.
This racing serie is dedicated for amateur riders but in some cases by decision of the organizers rookie 600 and rookie 1000 license holders may be allowed to enter the race. If Rookie class racers will be allowed to race then they will be granted points in the championship and will be listed in the overall standings. Superbike, supersport, superstock and Rookie license holders will be allowed to race and they will have separate awards, but they will not participate in Pogoń Trophy classification.
The winners of Pogoń Trophy in both classes will win free of charge:
1st place - all events where Pogoń Trophy rounds takes place next year;
2nd place - first 4 events where Pogoń Trophy rounds takes place next year;
3rd place - first 2 events where Pogoń Trophy rounds takes place next year;
4th place - first event where Pogoń Trophy rounds takes place next year.
Free of charge Track Days will get only those, who participated in at least more than a half Pogon Trophy races.
The winner of PT in both classes can not take part in PT chamionship next year. In order to make equal conditions for all particpans willing to race in PT, the winners of 2-4 places can be classified in the PT championship only if they purchase more than half of PT events. Tthe free of charge track Days will not give points for the championship.
Each team must consist of 2 team memebers. Each team member can use his own bike or all team members can use one bike.
SBK endurance class
Open to the teams whos both riders have bikes with the engine capacity the same that meets Pogon Trophy requirements mentioned above.
SSP endurance class
Open to the teams whos both riders have bikes with the engine capacity the same that meets Pogon Trophy requirements mentioned above.
Open endurance class
Open to the teams who have one bike from SBK endurance and the other from SSP endurance classes.